Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mary McLeod Bethune like and learn about the atlanta history cebnter

    Imagine that you were a slave of a man or woman. You had to plant, grow, pick, and harvest the things you were growing. The family you work for has a daughter you watch her sit on the desk by the window, holding this thing that you have never picked  up in your lifetime. A pencil,  she writes while her mother teaches her English. You say to yourself "I wish I could do that" Some black kids didn't have the privilege to go to school to learn how to read and write. You pray every nite that someone, somebody will come and make that happen. then in 1875 Mary McLeod Bethune was born.

    Mary McLeod Bethune was a woman who created schools for black students. Mary was born in 1875 in Mayesville, South Carolina. She was the fisrt born of her family and was not a slave. She was not a slave because of the Emancipation Proclamation which was created in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. It freed 60,000 slaves and 1/3 of the rest of the slaves were apart of the union army. Mary attended Maysville Presbyterian Mission School, Scotia Seminary and the Moody Bible Institute when she was a child and teenager. After she graduated  from Scotia Seminary in 1894 she began to teach at Maysville Presbyterian in 1895. Two years later she married Albertus Bethune and had their first child a year later.


In 1904 Mary founded the Daytona Educational and Industrial School for black girls. She served as president of the schools from 1904 to 1942 and then from 1946 to 1947. She was a leader of the black woman's club movement, a president of the National Association of Colored women, and a delegate and advisor to the national conferences on education, child welfare, and home ownership She was awarded the Springarn medal in 1935 and that was her first medal.

Mary McLeod Bethune spent most of her life making sure that kids got the education they need to be as smart as everyone else who called them stupid. Sadly she died in 1955 at the age of 80. She died a hero, letting black kids learn, read, and write so that they could become bigger and better so that they can not only be a slave but the next hero to the world.

I believe that Mary B. was the person that let us have black friends, and why Obama is president. She gave the kids with no hope left the chance to be what the really are. A superstar, a professor, A PRESIDENT!!!!!

On Monday we went to the Atlanta history center. We learned about what it would have been like to be a soldier in the civil war. We got to interact with the material that was there, play pretend, and make life or death choices. The man that was our tour guide Marvin was very nice and interacted with us. He made it seem real like when the "bombs" went off. We got to go into this room "a bomb shelter" and we discussed how a bomb shelter might have been, how to make one, and what you did in one. 



Monday, February 13, 2012

Hey guys I was just watching a vein throb on my arm. Did you know that in that vein is blood. That blood is made from cells. A lot of cells, but it never used to be that way. When we we were being devloped inside of our moms we were and still are growing. We were growing because cells were dividing to make more and more of itself so we could have a layer of skin, and hair on our heads and so on. How do we do that? What is that called? All of those types of questions I will be answering. And I will be talking about more than just that, like interphase, cytokinesis and mitosis, the two main phases of the cell cycle, and why the result of the cell cycle is so important. The process that allows the cell to divide is called mitosis. Mitosis has four phases but sometimes five. They are...........

  • prophase: when the chromosomes suddenly appear after the one cell is formed
  • prometaphase (sometimes): when the cell membrane disolves and the mitubrials go to the center of the chromosome (kineticore)
  • metaphase : when the chromosomes line up and wait
  • anaphase: when the chromosomes are pulled apart
  • telophase:the separated chromosomes arive at each end of the cell. Then a new cell membrane forms around each group going through the cycle again.

In interphase it is preparing the cell for division. Interphase is NOT a phase of mitosis. It's like when
you bake muffins you need to prepare to do it like getting out the pan, preheating the oven, etc....
Animal cell drawing: interphaseInterphase is the longest part of the cell cycle. During interphase the DNA and the organelles replacate, and the cell increases in size. Also everything doubles during the process of interphase.

Cells go through two main phases. The first phase is called interphase (as explaned above)the cell grows, replicates everything inside it and produces proteins. In the second phase, known as mitosis, the cell divides in two identical daughter cells. Daughter cells are the cells produced after the orignal cell divides. It's like making a copy of a picture, you have the orignal then you make copies of it. Those copies would be consiered as the daughter cells.

The next thing to cover is the diffrence between mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitosis and cytokinesis are a part of cell division. Mitosis is when the duplicated part of the cell is separated into halves that are always identical . Cytokinesis is the process when the cytoplasm of the cell divides to form two daughter cells.

The last thing to tell you is why the result of the cell cycle is so important.At the end of the cell cycle the cell has sucessfully divided. It is important because when a cell dies we need a new cell to replace it. If we didn't have the result of it then we would run out of cells and eventually die.

I hope that this here blog helped you study for a test or helped answer your questions. Thanks for reading!!!
