Monday, March 12, 2012

DNA what is it?

  • HIP, HIP HORRAY!!! FOR DNA!! IT PROVI....... Oh hey guys I was just singing a a really catchy song that our teacher Mr.Sellers shows us every once and a while. Well by the song in BIG LETTERS you probably can see what I'm going to teach you. You guessed it unicorns like Charlie!!! Just kidding!!!!! I'm going to teach you about Deoxyribonucleic Acid!! Pretty complicated word I know, but for you you people who like the easy way out than just call it DNA!!!!

  • Cool picture right?


    Q: What did the DNA say to the other DNA?
    A: Do these genes make my butt look fat.

    Okay so to start off, you might be asking what is DNA. I cant give it to you in a simple way because DNA is not simple it is actually kinda complicated, but I'll try my best. DNA is the blue print of your entire human self. DNA is a double helix which looks like a when a giant twists a ladder (if you have ever seen one).
    DNA is made up of chromosomes, which are made up of genes (hints the joke above *hahahahaha* not funny) .Every person with no mutation has 46 total or 23 pair of chromosomes, 23 from your birth mom, and 23 from your birth dad. but if you have a mutation like an extra toe or something, than you have more than 46 chromosomes in a nucleus.  

    Okay so as some of you may know DNA wasn't always known of, unlike Charlie!!!! Who did find DNA? you know what that's something i don't know either. so hold on i'll look it up on google, so i'll be right back.

    A Short Time L8r.........

    Okay so I found out who discovered DNA. It was Frederick Miescher a swiss scientist. But two guys named James Watson and Francis Crick ( Watson and Crick). Watson and Crick had been working on the structure of DNA about 100 years after Miescher had discovered DNA. Rosalind Franklin was a British biophysicist and a x-ray crystallographer who made discoveries about the

    molecular structures of DNA,RNA,viruses, coal, and graphite. All of them were awarded The Nobel Peace prize for doing all they did to make DNA what we know of it today.

    I forgot to tell you something that i think might be pretty important................That DNA is in the shape of a double helix or a double spiral. RNA is only a single spiral.

    If you don't know what RNA is, then you are in the right place because im going to tell you. RNA is Ribonucleic acid, like DNA is DEOXYribonucleic acid. 
    RNA is a type of acid that carries the code for making proteins. RNA and DNA have two major differences, DNA i a double helix and RNA is a single helix, and also that in RNA thymine switches out of uracil.

    There are two more things i wanted to add. One is the nucleotides and their four bases.
    Nucelotides a molecule made of a nitrogen base,a sugar, and a phosphate group.
    There are four bases, adenine(a), cytosine (c),thymine (t), and guanine (g). 

    The last thing is the way DNA replicates. All cells contain DNA in chromosomes. Then in interphase the chromosomes are copied therefore copying the DNA to make it identicle in your cells.

    Well thats all i have for you today so check out these links!!!

    Click here to learn about DNA!!!

    Click here to learn about RNA!!!

    Click here to learn about the nobel prize!!!!

    THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Good job Zoe! I think you went off topic a couple times there, but good effort! Keep up the good work! :)
