Monday, November 14, 2011

Hey it's AUTUMN!

Hey guys i was just jumping and playing around in the leaves. Fun right? You know what? I wonder what makes the leaves change color,the seasons change, and why the sunlight is less this time of year. Dont worry im not gonna LEAF you hanging. Get it instead of leave i said lea..... you know what, nevermind.

just beggin for those leaves ehh?!

First off the leaves. Leaves are green because they have and element in them called chlorophyll. Plants that are green makes their own food using chlorphyll. this prosess is called photosynthesis. On November 7th at 2:00am daylight savings time began. Which means that there is less sunlight during the day. sice treese and other plants need sunlight of produce theor food, there is not enough sunlight to do so. And that why the leaves begin to die and eventually fall off. The chlorophyll disappears but other pigments that are also present in the leaf, but were masked by chlorophyll, start to come in, like anthocyanins of betaxantins. This gives leaves unique color every autumn.

Seasons change because the axis of the earth is. As the earth moves around its orbit, there is a time when it is tilted towards the sun and so gets more of the sun's energy (summer) and a time when it is tilted away and gettibg less energy (winter). This also explains why it is summer in N hemisphere when it is winter in S hemisphere.

here are some leafin links.

click here to learn about seasons

click here to learn about the leaves colors

click here to learn about daylight savings time


  1. Great job Zoe!! It can only get better you're going to be a great blogger with some more practice!! :) great intro but you kinda went into report mode :)

  2. Good Job,
    in the beggining u had ur personality but you kinda lost it while going into the facts part. Just try to keep it the whole time.
    Other than that it was good.
